Trendy Friday
Trend forecast Traditional matching/sets there is just something so sexy about sets..... Matching of colors how to follow: 3 colors worn in outfit or under shoes match the hand bag (the more accessories matching the better) matching of prints how to follow: The most successful are matching similar genre prints ex: different floras in same color range see below: The necklace earrings bracelet and rings how to follow: It is nearly impossible to find a vintage set or modern set of jewelry. Instead I suggest choose like items for example all glittery geometrical jewels all insect jewelry all floral jewelry imagine in the photo below nature inspired cocktail ring(s) dream sets The hat the bowtie/collar that match the set of jewelry or the clothing worn How to follow: for example if you wear a floral printed outfit please wear textural hat or collar/bowtie The many cocktail rings with bracelet combo are mandatory for this trend ...